Kit Clipper Shoe Kits

Kit Clipper

Shoe Shine kit

AED 490

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AED 490

An elegant red leather pouch regrouping the shoe shine essentials.
Ideal for traveling.
Pouch dimensions: L 16x W 7x H 11cm.

  • 1 Saphir Crème Surfine Shoe Polish 50ml - Black
  • 1 Saphir Crème Surfine Shoe Polish 50ml - Neutral
  • 1 buffing cloth
  • 1 bubinga wood travel shining brush
  • 2 bubinga wood polish brushes
  • 1 travel shoe horn

- For those who prefer to apply the polish with a brush, 2 bubinga brushes are included in this kit – One for the black polish, and one for the neutral polish.
- The kit Clipper is perfect for the busy travelling gentlemen who just need the essential for a fast but effective shine.

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